It's 4:51:08 PM
Is Your Website Up?

Ensure Maximum Uptime for Your Website: Get Instant SMS & Email Alerts When it Goes Down!

Page Patrol Shield

I have been in your shoes

I've experienced the dreaded 2:00 a.m. phone call when our website went down. Despite maintaining a 99.8% uptime, unforeseen events like Amazon outages and DDoS attacks can catch us off guard. That's why I created Page Patrol. It's a cutting-edge monitoring and alert system that ensures you're never left in the dark. With real-time notifications, you'll be the first to know about any disruptions, allowing you to take immediate action. Say goodbye to stressful surprises and stay ahead of the curve.

- Tom Hall, Founder

Thomas Hall


How often do you check my site?

We check every site each hour. If you need it checked more frequently than this, let us know at

How do you alert me if something is wrong

We check every site each hour. If you need it checked more frequently than this, let us know at

How do I know you are checking my site?

Every Monday, we will send you a summary of the previous week. This will include the weekly, monthly, and yearly uptime.

How much does it cost?

$0.99 per month per webpage. That's it.

Can you check multiple pages within a site?

Sure thing. Just email us to let us know what you want. It's only $0.99 per page.

Can you check multiple sites?

Yep. If you manage several sites, we can handle it all.

What exactly do you look for in determining the site is up?

When a webpage loads, it passes a status code to the browser to let you know if there are errors. Specifically, we are looking for a 200 code, which means that the site is working.

Can I monitor a competitor's site?

We can monitor any public facing site.

Will this mess up my analytics?

If you use Google Analytics, this will not show up. We don't load any of the javascript on your site, which would trigger Google Analytics.

How do I cancel?

Give us a shout at We are working on making it simpler.

Page Patrol Shield